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  BOF()             Set to .F. on each database access.

  Clipper Version  1.03 dtd 09/15/90.

  Problem Statement

  1) BOF() is reverts to .F. each time the database is accessed; e.g.,
     IF <dbf_condition> .and. BOF() will always return .F. where <dbf_
     condition> might be something like IF field_data == "something".

  2) BOF() will return .T. under the following example:
       USE test
       GO LASTREC() + 1
       ? BOF()   // => .T.



  Work Around(s)

  1) Assure that BOF() is evaluated before evaluating other database items.
     In the example above, change it to read IF BOF() .and. <dbf_condition>.

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